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Ashtar Command "Share"
Huge Ships Awaiting Our Call for Help?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Rapture – Biblical Prophecy or ET Intervention?

Many people can sense there is something ‘in the air’, a feeling that something momentous or prophetic is about to happen. It affects many people in different ways but definitely is not going unnoticed.
Many reactions to this increase in ‘energy’ are being felt – some with anxiousness, worry, fear or anger, violence and some just the opposite.

As 2012 closes in many think all the hoopla surrounding it is so much media fodder and varies from disastrous doom- and-gloom scenarios to biblical ‘apocalyse’ to a more sedate outcome similar to the Y2K scare- that its only an astrological event for the cerebral/agnostic types as the year of a rare planetary alignment of ALL the planets in a row will be the only outcome. Yes, a scientific fact but a possible precursor to devastating meteor strikes, mega earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and have their deeply ingrained skepticism comforting them no matter what happens! But there is some scientific validation that the sun is fully capable of activating some potential disasters; sunspots can play havoc with all things electronic affecting the magnetosphere in intense ways and affecting the very nature of earthquakes and tides.

Yellowstone and Hot Springs

Yellowstone has been experiencing some unsettling changes in some aspects for some time. Those well-known features that have been timed to the minute and so popular with tourist worldwide are undergoing changes as well; the basin of the caldera is changing! Satellite data show that between 1995 and 1997 a large area along the northern rim of the Yellowstone caldera began to rise, added with other accumulated information indicates an escalating change in which the caldera floor is accelerating and in constant motion—episodic shifts and upliftments are becoming more frequent. Basically, the underground lava flows are on the move!

Tecopa Hot Springs

I personally know of such unsettling changes regarding some hot springs (mostly in Tecopa, CA) where the usual teasingly hot temps have rose slightly to decidedly uncomfortable levels after a bare 15 minutes in– if that long! Where even back in 2006 I could stay in for half an hour at a time  - no more! I have to go outside and cool down before going back in and chat with others who lamented the exact same experience and concerns – its increasingly getting hotter!

I was also renting a cottage there and from the first day noticed a very unpleasant sulphuric smell from the kitchen faucet when you turned on the water (but not from the bathroom) and, according to the landlord, it only began shortly after the Northridge Earthquake which happened in a Los Angeles subdivision of Reseda in ’94. Noting that the other cottages on the property had no such odor from any faucets but the cottage I was renting the landlord then added it was actually getting stronger and stronger each year.
I was so intrigued I contacted one of the professors at the Geological Department of a university in Las Vegas. She responded that there was indeed changes going on underneath Tecopa but could not give me any geological or scientific reasons why that was except that some underground movement may have cracked the pipes. When I told her that the temps at the near by hot springs was hotter then I remembered going back to my first visit in 2006 (this was in 2010) she could offer no explanation but said that was very interesting. Perhaps these ‘professionals’ and scientists are fore-warned not to reveal the actual facts for fear of causing panic, hurting businesses or worse. Reminds me of the movie “2012” regarding how authorities would not be obliged to tell the common folk (that be US) what is about to happen or IS happening, until it’s far too late- if at all.

So, if you are putting your trust/faith in being given plenty of warning by the ‘powers that be’ of any impending and devastating disasters – you might want to rethink that decision. It’s not a bad idea to keep your foodstuff, medications and water supplied for at least two weeks or longer (depending on how many in your household). This is just a rational thing to do in these times and should be a given for any disaster of any kind and also include an escape plan/route ready to deploy within minutes with all members of the family in synch with the details.

Who First Prophesied ‘The Rapture’?

People have to first ‘get out of there own way’ (religious upbringing, spiritual bias, skeptics, etc) and use acute discernment and analysis regarding the age and period the Rapture was first mentioned; when there was absolutely no technology and no understanding or comprehension of even what a star ship was back in that time and culture. So, can we blame them for a lack of correct vernaculars in describing what was ‘foreseen’? They didn’t know enough to know they had no clue, which is usually the case (in hindsight).
By Websters’ definition (the first was not the ‘type’ of rapture we are referring to here) of ‘rapture’ is ‘a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion or a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things’, which I don’t totally feel covers it.
If someone like Nostradamus foresaw the actual Rapture he would record what he saw in the terminology of the day, which would be something totally different if foreseen by a modern day psychic, say a ‘Sylvia Brown’, for example, literally, worlds apart in any given interpretation or analysis.
Think about it. We today have a difficult time if we see something totally unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in trying to accurately describe it to our fellow humans in a way they can understand and get an idea of what we saw. (I know of this up close and personal) At least we have ‘saucers’ or ‘triangles’ or ‘glowing lights’, etc. to work with. What did they have? My point is when it comes to ancient prophesies and the distinct likelihood of years of filtering or misinterpretation or language differences (or even withholding key parts), should all be considered in your defining/research of what the Rapture might actually be.

They had only the terms compared to their times and level of intelligence and cultural/linguistic differences that could not help but be defined or filtered. Every type of bias has to be a rational consideration in seeking the nature of ‘the Rapture’. It can be no other way if the truth seeker is earnest, open-minded and discerning.
Back then did they have a term for ‘space craft’? Did they have a term for ‘aliens’ or extraterrestrials?
How about just plain and simple ‘not of this Earth’? If it flew, floated or came down- it was “from Heaven they did come”.  If it was totally unknown and it was a feat or event of unknown origins it was deemed a miracle or spiritual, holy or divine. Remember, these were simple people of that time having no understanding or comprehension of any of the aforementioned! So, in actuality it must be considered as a filtered by the prophet, the times and the lack of knowing the origin of the vision and its constant retelling, rehashing, etc. Yet, to be completely un-biased, our terms may not come out to be even in the ballpark!

If one saw strange things or had dreams or visions in biblical times it was called spiritual, angelic or divine (or worse depending on the nature) and these messages were sent to those who became known as prophets and thus were called ‘being in the ‘Spirit’, affected by the Holy Spirit or a "Messenger of God". Other terms would be holy, holiest of holies, divine messenger, etc.
If ‘they’ were from ‘heaven’ (above and beyond earth), these beings were called ‘gods’ (with a little ‘g’…depending). It was likely that the ‘clouds’ or ‘clouds of heaven’ were actually flying craft or spaceships or larger. And the ‘Angels’ or 'Angelic Hosts' were space beings, Ascended Masters or members of the Elohim or other beings not of this world. Some of these terms may even be what the beings called themselves and so informed the ‘locals’ accordingly (which has been noted in some historical/mythical references).

In that day, in that time, these were terms they had no choice in using in attempting to describe something they were totally unfamiliar with but was seen enough to generate a need. Even today the average person seeing such a craft has a difficult time in describing something that they saw but struggle to describe to others having no Earthly basis to compare it with!
Well, you must be able to imagine how the average sheepherder back in the days of Jesus felt! Or the time of Moses! Of Galileo? Or of Ezekiel? Of Noah? Put yourself in their shoes for at least a few moments and try to imagine how you would describe such stunning things in the skies in the language of the day?  

Still, in so many ways, unchanged even to this day!

I must stress this concept to all my readers as it is one rarely put forth but increasingly demanded as time goes on...

You would simply record it as GOSPEL or per the orders of the “Lord”; putting it down for others to read believing it was indeed so!
But today, we do live in a more advanced (technology-wise) time and society! Yet, even we come up short.

Our own government gave us a great general ‘catch-all’ phrase  to use across the board – UFOs- but even that (with stunning pics or videos, after close encounters, etc) in time has proven to be both lacking and/or increasingly fails and falls short in describing something almost beyond words! From what I have learned they may call their spacecraft or motherships something else entirely relegating us to the level of simple ‘shepherds’ staring up in awe and wonder in this the 21st century!

To reiterate, in this age (of enlightenment) with institutional education and learning, people are usually well read and have the ability to describe eloquently what they see or close to it; yet we STILL fail to identify these ‘signs and portents’ for what they really are! Why is that? Because there is still the matter of a missing resource/platform that you can pull from to adequately describe what you are seeing and what it means. (Prime example: those people who claimed that all UFOs seen in close proximity to chemtrails were the creators of those chemtrails! Clearly (to me and hopefully a few others) it is just the opposite – UFOs or star ships (The Ashtar Command) actively work to render both chemtrails and radiation inert! Just something to think about.

Does that help anyone grasp the concept that there is much more to biblical prophecy (or any prophesy or account of the sightings/events of that time) then anyone had ever considered in this our so called ‘modern times’ no matter the source?

When it comes down to it true comprehension is the ultimate goal of any message(s) given/shared to others from ANY source!

If you are a genuine sci-fi fan and you read of a character that ‘walked on water’ it would first be explained or set up in the context of some scientifically advanced people using that science or device that made the person either ‘lighter then air’ or changed the density of the water itself or was a holographic image, using some weird science or futuristic/alien technology or something else entirely! A technology far in advance of anything on Earth by anyone’s standards! Pure sci-fi or sci-fantasy, right?
But wait – back in the days of Jesus HE did ‘walk on water’ and it was called a miracle! What about the time he turned water into wine? Or fed five thousand with only a few loaves of bread and a few fish to start off with? And HE made sure to gather up ALL the available bread and fish before hand! Why? Look it up for yourself if not familiar with these biblical accounts. (I believe all are mostly in the new King James Version.)

I know many may find it hard to believe that religion and science may actually be two sides of the same “coin”! Who can explain miracles? Even miracles have some rational or spiritual basis to explain them but that has yet to be explored with any valid conclusions. What about science fact? Has anyone ran a scientific analysis of the water at Lourdes? If so, I have yet to hear of it. What about the Shroud of Turin? Yes, they have and the results only created more questions then it answered…depending on who was in possession of the results, their beliefs systems, religious background or lack thereof, agenda, etc.

Duplication or multiplication of food? On board the Enterprise (on all Federation ships - Star Trek) use of the Replicator (usually you dial in what you want) would offer customizations of any request and done quite easily! Was this such a case but the ‘details’ were “lost’ in the ages? I’m pretty sure there was much more to the accounting but was left out in the biblical verse. Likely because no one of that time would understand the science of replication or alchemy or whatever it was. So easier just to leave it out.
Re-reading these verses that mention these ‘strange’ incongruence, anomalies, miracles and out of time events maybe much more intriguing now then when reading them back in our bible study days - in the light of these probabilities!

But what did He say? Jesus was very modest and merely said, “Of these things I do, you can do also.”
Isn’t that a strange thing to say! But many have taken that to mean basic religious acceptance as a metaphor - you do not take it literally!

And why not?! What about another one (to paraphrase), “No man shall know the day or time of his coming.”

Earth Changes Leading to Earths Ascension to the Fifth Dimension

Earth changes have been prophesied for generations and mostly pointing to the time we all live in now.
There are people in our time, who claim to have received channeled information on how these Earth Changes will impact all of us and even include maps detailing the changes as the US will appear following them.  And, coincidentally, many are saying the changes will not be so apocaleptic as previously given and/or put off until all Humans are moved to safety.

I AM America and Lori Toye

One particular contactee that not only has received a wealth of information and visions on cataclysmic earth changes and is in touch with a member of the Ashtar Command and the Spiritual Hierarchy is Lori Toye of I AM America maps who resides in Arizona. She has been in contact with the Ascended Master Saint Germaine for a number of years presenting prophecies that point out the potential for needed cataclysmic and devastating Earth Changes. These very spiritual contacts also impart that change begins within.
Lori is also sharing very valuable information regarding the Twelve Jurisdictions: twelve spiritual laws (virtues) from the Ascended Masters given to guide our consciousness at this time and to Co-create the Golden Age.

Radiation Maps

Also please visit these sites for the latest information on the spreading radiation to the US and beyond as the dangers from the Fukushima Japanese Nuclear Reactors are still a very real threat no matter how ‘downgraded’ by the media (or totally ignored) and should still be of concern to every human being in this country. The nuclear radiation (nasty stuff!) is likely being dealt with by the same UFOs seen around the chemtrails dispensing with that fall out. Let us all pray it is so.

Rapture or Mass Evacuations Worldwide?

Most of us are only familiar with the biblical Rapture mentioned in the Book of Revelations but what if they were actually being described by people of that time who were limited by the language of the day for sightings, anomalies and events they had no way to adequately describe and unknowingly limited by it? Would that be something you might consider with an open mind? Some versions of the Book have no mention of it by that name at all.

Some scientific groups, ‘rogue’ or independent scientists, are going against conventional beliefs and now feel that the bible was written by people of that time under great disadvantages when using the language and limitations in technology (even WE have that problem!) of that time; trying to describe a phenomenon that is acutely and technologically advanced far beyond even anything we have today. Yet the bible is full of references of ‘out of time’ events that defy rational explanation sufficiently to satisfy the witnesses and thus was relegated to the sometimes nebulous regions of religious mysticism or Christian visions or connotations. There may also have been deliberate attempts to ‘hide’ what was really going on and thus submission of these ‘watered down’ accounts were still included at someone’s behest or over seen for future eyes. We may never know what was totally deleted, ‘changed’, ‘switched’ or erroneously posted. And, only lately has it come to the forefront that some 'books' of the bible were 'left out' (deliberately or thru oversight is still up for conjecture and aggressive debates!)

Also, in the majority of ‘Christian’ religion settings going far back to the time of Jesus some things that were strange, bizarre or ‘out of context’ to the locale were labeled ‘of the Devil’, evil or of Satanic origins.
I have come to the conclusions that many of those labelings were pre-mature at the least and based on abject ignorance or deliberately ‘maligned’ as such to scare away the curious or those who wanted to 'get to the root' of the phenomenon at the most. What would be the perfect 'cover' to stop all such inquiries or research then such 'Fear Mongering'? Initiated Mass Fear Control using iconic symbolism of evil, the Devil, Satan or ‘hellfire and brimstone’ do accomplish just that. As a person raised in two such secular churches and attendant of Bible School as well as being baptized twice I stand witness to such ‘Fear and Damnation’ teachings. And might I say very effectively even to this day! Yet, I questioned the obvious hypocrises that I saw at an early age. However, you label it 'brain washing' has an insidious reality!

Just for the record the Creator that I know and love does not condemn ONE single soul to a lifetime of burning in hell, irredeemably unforgiven or forever relegated to never being offered unconditional Grace…just the opposite of Jesus teachings. And both are basic elements of all versions of the Holy Bible!

By the way, to the rational thinking mind -these two contradictory testaments can’t both be true! Again,  choose what you will after doing the research on your own rather then believing what you are 'fed'.

The documentary series “Ancient Aliens” has done an amazing job of exploring exactly from this point of view in trying to reveal to the public that what those past generations saw back then we see today (not changing in many respects) and if you define the words they used to describe these objects back then you might be very shocked at the resemblance to your average garden variety UFOs we see, or read about today! Ancient Aliens is, to my understanding, a 'soft' form of disclosure. Be sure to keep an open mind and also note that both 'good' and 'bad' aliens or ET are put forth theoretically.

As 2012 nears some of these proponents of massive and worldwide evacuations and rescue are coming forward and speaking out. They are saying that its time to throw off the religious overtones, shackles or beliefs and come to realize that this is a much more extraordinary event – one that is meant more to prepare us for the Truth as well as the impending need that all human life must be ‘saved’ (rescued) once earth changes begin in earnest! And many are coming to believe we are already in that time. The End Times. Whether you call it the Rapture or “ET Intervention and Rescue” – the premise, promise and end result is the same.

It would seem our last and best hope is being rescued or evacuated off this planet before the full brunt of polar shifts and magnetic flips begin - the End Times are indeed at hand.

So, if true can massive alien rescue ships be far away?

There is also a small group of people sharing the belief that the real Rapture will be via spaceships and/or star gates, and the 2nd and 3rd phases will be announced 3 days in advance as announcements or forewarnings to save others left behind in the first phase (but the latter is not a popular thought in general). If not rescued and millions disappear there may only be the ‘one’ rapture/rescue. Act accordingly. Others adhere to the biblical ‘Three Days of Darkness where all humanity will fall asleep and awaken to a literal ‘new earth’. Do your own research and use discernment.

Michael El Legion and Aurora Light

Michael and Aurora have their own websites, books, DVDs and radio show that give more then adequate proof that the Rapture is so much more then anyone could have imagined – actually a vision of our Space Family coming in mass numbers to rescue human beings from the throes of worldwide planetary changes on every continent on Earth with impending and catastrophic (only to humans) destruction of most buildings, infrastructures and land masses every where. Any thinking person would ask,
"Why would they care that much about us"? Great question!


If there is that rare person that has not seen the movie “2012” by now, I suggest you go out and rent it. Just to be clear I’m not saying that the movie is accurate in all aspects - not at all! Although somewhat ‘fear-based’ it does give an accurate and realistic scenario for what might happen especially on the coasts, inland,  the tsunamis and how governmental agencies may disappear as well as some images that may not be too far off the mark when it comes to Earth Changes (shifting of the earth crust, tectonic plates, magnetic poles, etc.) Ultimately, these images may support the theory of Earth Changes;  leading to the lifting of Earth onto a higher fifth plane or dimension whether the people on her are ready or not!

Massive and never before seen catastrophes like a Richter scale reading (don’t forget the Richter Scale was officially dropped one point in the ‘80s) of a 10.0 (or higher) earthquakes would become the norm; double or triple Category Five plus hurricanes (sister trunks) that lay waste to whole cities, tsunamis that literally wipe clean all coastal cities, infrastructures and the people who reside there even going in land as far as hundreds of miles beyond– a totally hopeless disaster of monumental scale that only ‘God” can deliver us from. Remember the verse that 'unless those days be shortened no man would be left alive’ and if rescue is NOT initiated no human would be left alive.

Ever wonder why there is so much more End Times faire and mega disaster films in the media then ever before and growing every year we draw closer to 2012? I’ve watched the proliferation of documentaries on shows like “It Could Happen Tomorrow”, "Apocalypse" or "Left Behind" series, “Mega Disasters”, “Mega Volcanos”, “Mega Quakes”, etc. and toward the end of the program it always arrives at the same conclusion – nothing Man has on their best day IF fully funded/prepared and with present technology can deal with such massive and unmitigated widespread destruction and death as is prophesied for the time we are in now. And that time grows closer day by day.

With impending Earth Changes increasing exponentially -The only rational solution is to leave the planet or go down deep within her before it begins!”

Are there Huge Space Ships Awaiting the Order to Evacuate Us?

For several years there have been increasing reports and pictures of strange objects in deep space that do not fit within the standard scientific ‘box’ of celestial objects, planetary bodies or meteors, etc. and must be placed (for the time being) in the category of Space Anomalies. Most people that find these objects (amateur astronomers, rogue scientists, Michael El Legion, etc) are willing to go out on a limb and claim they are actually huge space ships, mother ships hanging around just outside or near our planet awaiting divine orders to start mass evacuations. And the phenomena seems to be escalating in that these objects are not going away, being explained as ‘smudges’, scratches, hoaxes, etc but growing in size and in numbers! Links to see these objects are below.

I feel I must address the ‘dark’ elements that are going to become more and more vocal that these objects are ones to fear. As you’ve read before avoid fear-based media machinations! Go easy on yourself and your loved ones and ignore them. Place your attention on the positive and seek out your own truth of any issue!

But what are they and what are they doing here?

If these objects are indeed growing bigger (getting closer) pretty soon no telescope will be needed. Any one will be able to one day see them with the naked eye leaving no doubt to all but the most fear-based or pragmatic viewer that these are star ships coming for a visit. As to what they are, definitively, only time will tell. As to why they are coming is up for debate – and will be until that time comes when the truth is revealed. Or Full Disclosure is officially given.

This writer believes that Lord Jesus Christ is actually the risen and presiding Lord of Hosts – Lord Sananda who is aboard the New Jerusalem – a very large and splendid mother ship! And these ships are coming for divine reasons that have everything to do with assistance, compassion and rescue rather then anything of a more dubious agenda or nature. But there are plenty of ways to do your own research, stay on top of things as they develop and by all means – be discerning. Its much more helpful to you and your loved ones and your future survival to become much more open minded, loving, tolerate of all races and ready to seek your own truth rather then believing the ‘doomsters’ and fear mongers spiel - That is NOT the ways of Spirit or of the Divine!

And if indeed these positive human type ETs are here to help us and they are connected with THE original Jesus Christ can you imagine the implications alone this presents?!?

My previous articles (to be posted here)  also addresses “The Ashtar Command” which goes into great detail with much more information and links.

Below are several links (in color) of the first big object in the South Pole region of the night sky that is strange enough to be put in a separate category all its own and absolutely not identifiable with any known phenomena- nothing in the science books or past especially within the contexts of conventional objects like comets, asteroids and so on. And there are more huge /anomalous objects in other regions of deep space (not readily available or accessible via Google Sky)

Do Crop Circles (Formations) Date Back to Ancient Times?

For those people who are very familiar with the biblical phrase ‘signs and portents’ this, to me, indicates much more significant meaning then previously assumed.
Now folks, take a look at this. The crop circle is intense and it gets more amazing as time goes on. The first, to my knowledge, that was started and completed over a span of several nights. Some websites are posting their beliefs that this crop circle is using a sextant as a symbol of coming changes.
This crop formation, going back to June of 2009 in the UK’s Milk Hill seems to predict a new, bright astronomical object in our solar system, possibly a comet or even an “extra planet”, on the new Moon of June 1, 2011. The planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be lined up in the night sky with the Moon around or on June 2, 2011…and possibly one other object. Visit Crop Connector at the link below to get more information.

Milk Hill Crop Formation Courtesy Crop Circle Connector

Erich von Däniken

Däniken has written twenty-six books, which have been translated into more then twenty languages and selling over sixty million copies worldwide starting with his most famous “Chariots of the Gods”! He also has hosted documentaries, has been a guest host on “Ancient Aliens” and his name has become synonymous with suspected ancient alien artifacts, structures and cultures. He was one of the first few to point out that the Hindu writings about ‘vamanas’ was actually ancient Sanskrit that meant ‘flying objects’ on which the gods (little “g”) traveled about. He believed that aliens did indeed visit India and were seen as such many centuries ago in both ancient and present day India.

Your Ticket to Ride (or Your Passport to Heaven)?

All in all, its up to you to decide which version of being 'rescued' or 'saved' you adhere to but doesn't matter – the end result would be the same and doesn’t change the essential urgency of message from either viewpoint. Only your attitude and willingness to be open to a more ‘updated’ version (and its far reaching implications) which by its very nature, demands a more rational, modern explanation and analysis is the most important for future survival.
My gut feelings say if you find that you feel you maybe one of the elect that will be taken then you are very spiritual, loving (respectful) of ALL races and likely spreading the Word. If you are not sure and got your guns loaded then I would strongly suggest -while you can- make changes before its too late! Whether these are space craft piloted by very spiritual ETs of all races and skin color (I dream of them too) or angels spiriting away the "Elect of God"; being meek, gentle in nature and loving is your “passport” to being saved because either way they are spiritual and loving and you can only “see/experience” what you reflect in heart and soul . And please - do take this literally!

Do not wait until its too late to find out how wrong you were or that what you taught your children that was hateful and hostile was the worst mistake you have ever made! Make the changes now while you can. There is no way your negative or low frequency or spiritual lack will get you 'on board' if you are a racist, bigot or simply a hater, jealous and spiteful by nature. Your love, compassion and tolerance of others is your "Passport" to take your place next to others of like heart, mind and spirit. It can be no other way.

Love and compassion IS higher frequency! And exactly where Earth is heading – to a higher dimension. When others ‘disappear’ it may also be those of higher spiritual frequencies who are ‘taken’ and appear on the New Earth leaving behind the old.

May God Bless Us All!

Resources and Links

(Strange and very large object in deep space)

16 19 35 -88 43 10 - cylindrical object

02 26 39 -89 43 13 - circular

08 50 47 -89 38 09 - curved

14 38 50 -88 40 42 - curved

14 59 06 -88 21 24 - curved

(Radiation Maps)

(I AM America Website)

(I AM Video on YouTube)

(Scientists Photographs Soul Leaving Body)

(The Rapture via spaceships!)

(This site suggests UFO's are actually the chariots of the Lord's "hosts.")

(University Professor’s findings)

(Crop Circle Connector)

(Alex Collier Speaks Out on Coming Visitors)

(Crop Circle Predicts Upcoming eVent this Summer)

(Ancient Aliens Shows full episodes)

(Swiss Theorist whose popular books started it all)

(Alternative Science? Check it out!)

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