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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Advanced Technology Imminent

The Time to Co-Create our Heaven on Earth is at Hand!

A New Paradigm enacts New Actions where all will be able to 'escape the matrix'! Experience what life finally is about embracing the most advanced technology possible and every human will begin to finally start living rather then surviving!
I do believe that "Thoughts are Things!" If this is un-heard of or understood you might look it up – some advanced technology coming our way, are based on “Conscious Technology”.

If those of the "Occupy Wall Street" are attempting changes in the US (and protests everywhere) then a 'New Thought' leads to a "Bright Future" and Advanced Technology – is the ultimate result!

It can be actually fun! Try it! To dream and visualize for a wonderful, new world - and one where all people have all they need and are kind, caring and prosperous.

These stunning advanced technologies (described herein by inventors and channeling) can help change your old thoughts working and creating a Heaven on Earth! Start now and daily visualize (or daydream) what literally creates Living Realities! Some devices described here might help your efforts.

The following are excerpts (updated also) from various channeled and direct ET sources regarding the new technology and free energy devices that are to be unveiled and shared with us all. But we must start with a spiritual awareness and a change of heart about what is about to come out. It’s very important NOW to begin en-visioning our new world. And it starts by staying balanced, positive and picturing how you want our New Earth to be by envisioning it as already done! How you want your new LIFE (and your loved ones) to be!

By listing this new technologies I’m hoping that it will help many of you begin to use the creative power we all have and place your FOCUS on the future with style and grace!

After disclosure and the accompanying broadcasts, we intend to accelerate the work of your governments in bringing forth our various technologies. Our plan is to provide all of you with a replicating device and to complete the distribution and training-phase within one month from the start of this project. Our training-phase will include special videos that will accompany the devices. No other type of programming except for these videos will be shown on your television sets until our technicians confirm that you are fully conversant with running a replicator. We need to be very sure that these devices are not operated improperly; failure to comprehend the operating parameters will result in repossession, as this Light technology must not be abused. It is important to get this first step in the technology distribution right, as it is to be followed swiftly by even more advanced concepts and devices once the consequent responsibility of Light technology use is fully integrated into your collective mindset.

A recent broadcast with Hugh-Man and his visions of our advanced technology imminent –  with no bills!

Hugh-Man: Okay. One of the first gifts everybody who crosses paths; they’re going to be issued a PCD, which is going to basically replace your cell phones. A PCD is a personal communication device, and it will allow you to communicate with anyone on the planet, it will instantly translate your language to theirs, theirs to yours, if you don’t speak their language. It will project a holographic image of them, so you can see the person, or if it’s a group of people that you’re speaking with… Oh, did I mention, no monthly bill?
Hugh-Man: Free PCD, no monthly bill, you don’t have to plug it in to recharge it, no new batteries, cause it’s going to run off free energy from the universe. When we were talking about these things, oh, last fall, she said, “Well, it is a basic human right that people should be able to communicate without having to pay for it and without having people monitor what you’re saying.”
Hugh-Man: Just the opposite of your cell phones with the frequencies and the vibrations are frying your brain, contrary to what they’re telling you. The PCDs will have just the opposite; it will enhance your spirit and energy, because its drawing pure energy from the universe and it’s bringing it closer to your physical being.

Hybridization of Your SUV?

Hugh-Man: My silver SUV is going to be modified sometime this spring. It is going to be televised. It’s going to be a prototype. It’s not going to have wheels, and it’s not going to have a gasoline engine. It’s going to levitate, anti-gravity, and it’s going to draw free energy from the universe. I’ll never have to pull into a gas station again. All right?
The garages where the modifications are going to be done, they identified them to me. I cannot say where they are. The star engineers from an engineering ship are—they’ve got the parts ready… They’re going to come in and just use the garage, and they said it’d take about an hour to do each of the modifications.
Hugh-Man: Drive in—wheels, gasoline; drive out—no wheels, anti-gravity. Never have to stop at a gas station again.
With the anti-gravity vehicles, the propulsion and free energy, after a few weeks, the first transportation that they are going to share this technology to convert our public transportation—buses, subways.
Then in communities all across the planet, in vacant factories, malls, wherever—and they may put up some new buildings—they are going to give the technology to do the modifications on people’s cars and vehicles. This is going to create a lot of jobs…

As SaLuSa in his messages already said some of our earth shows have been telling a lot without us knowing it to be very true in deed. The replicators, transporting devices they are things we will get together with our new free energy devices. We will have soon a new money and financial system and lots more. The X-Files movie title: “I Wanna Believe!” can be replaced with “I Know it Is True and Always Knew!”.
(Alien Technology Gifts)

Know that in time you will be able to travel anywhere in the world, by a new technology that makes distance of no consequence. Speed will be of the essence, and achieved by using free energy that abounds in the Universe. SaLuSa

We will release secret technologies, and even more wondrous devices, including many energy and transportation related inventions, that have been produced around your world during the past century. Your secret governments suppressed this technology, along with many other environmental innovations, out of deep-seated fear that such discoveries could result in their downfall. We will also introduce more workable technology, and allow each of you to obtain information – and to contact one another with ease. The rise of a post-Internet environment, which we have initiated, will introduce you to new options in communication and entertainment. Simple handheld or easy to wear devices, will provide instant information, and enable you to contact freely anyone else on your world. Using small organic computers, you will become globally recognizable by your body’s true frequency. These devices inter-phase with your mind, providing a 3D holographic picture that contains data, images etc. The commercial system will be 3D full colour telepathic holography. Anyone who wishes to communicate can simply visualize a person and their computer will contact them. It will include a universal translator and a special frequency dialing system that is closely linked to your unique physical signature. Each household will receive a device that converts light energy into matter to provide clothing and food. Remember that abundance programs will allow you to have all the financial resources you need. Our Earth allies have consented to many agreements even more powerful than NESARA. These provisions are not to be released to the general public, until the first set of agreements has been publicly announced. Only then will the second and third waves of actions be revealed and made public law.
We will introduce you to technology that will allow you to travel more freely. You will be provided with a new form of transportation, and your new personal vehicles will levitate a few feet off the ground, and are capable of speeds up to 500 miles (800 kilometres) per hour. Aircraft as you know them will disappear and be converted to a ‘magnetic lifter’ technology, with Mach 8 capabilities, as well as providing primitive craft that resemble ours. A teleportation system will be available for long-range emergency trips. We will also use this technology to build a fully automated highway system.
An extensive training program for medical practices that are not harmful to health will be introduced. It will align your medical services more closely to ours. You will absorb an enormous amount of new information, and to help assimilation of the vast quantities of knowledge, we will provide a technology that can ‘download’ it directly into your brain’s memory and recall systems. You will develop your Science and expand your philosophies in ways yet unheard of, resulting in a glittering union of these now contradictory elements. We will introduce you to the wonders of ‘artificial intelligence’. We will supply a system of technologies that with your manifested abilities, will reverse the pollution that now fouls your air, land and water on Mother Earth, in less than six months.

Our second objective will be the factories, offices and homes; power generating stations, air, water and land vehicles that spew out most of the pollution. Free-energy devices will be introduced that can be mass-produced quickly. Using our technology, we can vaporize and fully erect buildings in a matter of days, and will re-tool your manufacturing network in less than a week. Moreover, we can fully automate it. Technological gadgets will allow you to end your dependence upon manufactured materials. You will be able to construct your own dwellings and collectively plan your cities. Your rural areas will be returned to their original condition of unspoiled forests and meadows. A number of our technologies can convert living Light into food, clothes and other uses, thus ending your long dependence on agriculture and the lumber industry. Remember that technology is a tool, provided by consciousness, to create as pleasurable an environment as possible. You need to make the next grand ‘leap’ – that is, to grow from a planetary society to a galactic one. Never forget, dear Ones, that you are mutating into ‘Homo Galactica’, A more integrated version of you, this galactic human, possesses the ability to hold open, meaningful dialogue with your true self.

The Replicator Technology being in essence similar to that demonstrated in Star Trek, but with the difference of deriving the base Material for the replication process directly from "nowhere"! At least it would seem to be obtained from nothing, but in actuality it is derived from the "Electrons" of which there is more than an abundance within the universe, The Principle basically being, the derivation of the necessary Material through the building of an "Electron Cloud" which in turn automatically attracts "Protons" and "Sub-atomic Particles" to form Atomic and Molecular Structures, Specific varieties of Energy-emission are used in influencing the outcome of the process to derive different materials, the entire process occurs within portions of a second or several seconds depending on the density of the wanted Material or Structure, the Complexity of the Structure is irrelevant, it could be "slightly" comparable to the function of a Digital Printing Machine, regardless of the complexity of the Image to be printed, the Printer will take the same effort to print, only the more Material to be used, in this case "Ink", the Printer would take longer, To explain exactly how the Electrons are used to create useable material is beyond my own understanding of higher Multidimensional Physics, but part of the understanding is to realize that the universe is initially a Thought Consciousness Matrix, similar to a computer program, and this way it could be understandable at least "why" it functions!

The replicator is about as big as a refrigerator; it makes food, clothing & other small items from light. So any type of food has the full benefits, as well as an entertainment center with 3D interactive communication, movies, history, etc.... no computers.

Your prosperity will facilitate the rapid spread of new technologies across your planet, some of which will supplant shops and supermarkets as the prime sources of your food and clothing. Moreover, the nature of these technologies will drastically revamp the way your economy operates by making redundant the current to-ing and fro-ing to deliver goods and services over long distances. Once we land, we intend to begin your education in all things pertaining to full consciousness, beginning with how to relate to the other living things in your environment and giving you direct experiences of the nature of your future roles as Gaia's guardians. Gaia needs a great deal of help to preserve many aspects and niches of her global ecosystems, and it behooves you as individuals and as a collective to learn how best to assist her in this. We will be your mentors, introducing you to what you need to know and then letting you implement it. All this is just a preliminary step before you enter the realm of full consciousness.
These enormous amounts of money are there to fund centers, heal your fellows, and bring out and promulgate all sorts of marvelous inventions and ideas. They can also fund those who wish to support the Divine and help those programs undertaken by dedicated supporters of the Galactic Federation of Light.

You are handling the changes so well, and it is helped, by your understanding of your involvement and how important you are to us. We want you to see that whatever happens now is all part of the breakdown of the old, and its interface with the new. Indeed so much is new, that little of the old will remain, as you know it now. You are to take a great leap forward into the Age of Surprises, giving you all of the advantages that should long ago have lifted you into the New Age. You have heard so much about energy saving devices, and once these are introduced, you will no longer be dependent on the Oil Industries. At a stroke, they will end poor standards of living whilst at the same time massively reducing pollution. In general the basic needs of people will be covered and starvation eradicated. The changes in transportation will take time, and the systems will be unrecognizable to what they are now. Speed of contact and communication will be accessible to all, and distance will be of no importance.

Overcoming lack is an easy challenge for us to meet, and again it is both our technologies and vast numbers of personnel who can easily deal with it. We are so wanting to get going, and we certainly have patience and at the same time we are anticipating the joy and happiness that is coming to you. We love the thought of seeing the expressions on your faces, and your release from the miasma of years of being subservient to those with wealth and power. Peace shall descend within a short time, as war and the weapons of war will be silenced. War has been perpetuated for many reasons, and not least of all to keep you in a constant state of need.

Your true life starts very soon, and so it will continue as you rise even further upwards. Life is meant to be fun and fulfilling, rewarding and challenging to allow a full expression of your potential. Hitherto you have been firmly kept in your place with little opportunity of doing so. Each of you have so much talent, and with so much time to yourself in the future will be able to devote as much to it as you wish. It can cover self-development in the arts, music or whatever your choice. There is truly no limit to how far you can go, and the greatest teachers will help you along.

Life can at present be exceptionally boring, but in the future will become full of opportunities and adventures that could even take you to other Universes. In your higher state of consciousness, you will meet other souls of a like level who acknowledge the Creator as you do. You will have all the time you need, as your life span will increase with the upliftment in your vibrations, and a thousand years would not be uncommon.

We want you to see what can be done with the natural resources of your world, of which there are sufficient to feed the whole population if handled in the correct way. Naturally we will introduce advanced technologies to make the best of what you have. These will be passed onto you, but the need for them will be short lived as once you ascend an even newer concept for food production will be introduced. On board our ships it already exists, and our Mother Ships are self contained farms if you wish to use that description. Naturally because of the higher vibrations of our bodies, our needs for solid food is very limited but we can enjoy the fruits similar to yours. In fact, we also cater for the needs of different Beings to ourselves who serve with us. The ultimate provision is from a Replicator that will provide anything that you may desire, which is useful for Earth Humans on the occasions that they stay with us for a while.

Nothing that you have experienced so far is going to measure up to the coming period. You are entering a new era where Man will no longer handle many of the labours of life. Those that can be carried out by automation will be given to robotic or computer programs. Man will carry out only special needs, and even then they will be assisted by Automatons. Your place is to oversee the functions, ensuring that the goals are met within the time frame involved. The larger projects will be monitored from our ships, and some of you will come aboard for that purpose. Your time will eventually be taken up by creative work rather than the old ways of occupying yourself, and will be more productive. Working for the good of all people will become commonplace, as they realise the Oneness that brings them together is dependant of the sharing of Love and Light.

A machine that will provide all the food they could possibly want; you will just type into it whatever you would like, and in seconds, it will appear. This will ensure that everyone is supplied with all their needs. No more shopping or cooking - that will please many of you ! Life on Earth will become the pleasant that it was meant to be.

Our Inventors – Inspired and Dedicated to Improve the Human Condition No Matter How Long It Takes
In quoting a famous character named Beale, every American, after reading this should be shouting from the rooftops,
 “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Here are examples of what has been hidden or blocked from -the People- for decades;

An "over unity" energy generation system not only purifies any kind of water but also produces sufficient heat to produce megawatts of electricity without any fuel at all

Can safely nullify radioactive emissions from spent nuclear fuels, both liquid and solid

Producing hydrogen chemically turned into a liquid fuel for cars or trucks

A truck runs on Joe Cell technology, drawing energy from water and Orgone

A pickup truck apparently running on nothing but water via the hydroxy unit

A fuel-less engine that runs on a 12-volt system

Can convert garbage, biomass, and tires to gasoline, low-grade heat, and fertilizer

A magnetic resonance amplifier produces an electrical output that is five times the electrical input

Invented a 90-mpg carburetor

A carburetor system that boosts a car to get three times the mileage

In Japan, inventors are treated as lofty heroes and supported. Here they are killed or threatened or forced to shut down

A free energy generator does continuous output of 250,000 volts with no apparent input

A water-to-gas additive using ordinary water added to gasoline without decreasing the combustibility of the gas driving the cost of gasoline to less then 3cents per gallon

US Patented free energy car engine starts off of two car batteries, recharges the batteries and powers the car

 A rooftop device (solar heated) converts the heat-to-electricity costs $200 and 90% efficient

This device cures cancer based on electrical components of all DNA.

Documentary Films, Movies and Books

There are many wonderful and eye-opening films, books and websites where you can learn more about this little known ‘conspiracy’ against inventors. Some were released in theatres starring major actors and actresses. Some are only found by ‘due diligence’ on your own or in books or websites.
This is a very short list; some you know of and some you may not:

Who Killed the Electric Car?
Blood and Oil
Food Inc
A Crude Awakening, the Oil Crash
John Moray's new DVD, "The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats”
Crude Impact
The New American Century, Oil, Smoke and Mirrors (available free ‘type Ronan Doyle via Google Video),
“Syriana” starring George Clooney, Matt Damon and Amanda Peet
Energy Crossroads: A Burning Need to Change Course
Killing Cars
The 11th Hour
Category 7: The End of the World

Wal-Mart – The High Cost of Low Price

Inside Job starring Matt Damon

A Direct Quote…by Dr. Peter Lindemann

 “There are dozens of other systems, other devices. Many are viable and well tested. But this short list is sufficient to make the point: new energy technology is here. It offers the world pollution-free energy abundance for everyone, everywhere. It is now possible to stop the production of "greenhouse gases" and shut down the nuclear power plants. Transportation and production costs for just about everything can drop dramatically. Yet all these wonderful benefits that can make life on this planet so much easier and better for everyone have been postponed for decades. Why? Whose purposes are served by this postponement?”

Follow the MONEY…(my emphasis!)
Resources and Links

(Free Energy TV – many videos of working prototypes)

(Peter Lindemann’s Website)

(A Method of Stimulating Energy by Lee Crock)

Water Fuel Technology

All the inventors who have been suppressed in some way…

(Environmental Movies)

(John’s website)

(Free Energy – The Race to Zero Point)

(Bruce De Palma Free Energy Device)

(Power to the Force and People)

(Free Energy Truth)

11:11 Portal Activation - Bridge to the New Earth Part 1.flv

(Galactic Channings)


(in all languages!)

(Stargate Aden and Aaron McCollum)